Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition

Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #467104 in Books
- Published on: 2001-11
- Original language:
English - Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 11.02" h x
.51" w x
8.46" l,
1.27 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 200 pages
Product Description
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled - or you just want to quit your job and remain financially self-reliant - this book is for you. In it are hundreds of tips, secrets and necessary skills for living well on little money. Chapters include: Save Up to $37,000 a Year and Live on $12,000 a Year; Low-Cost Computers for Fun, Profit, and Education; Some Ways to Live on No Money at All; A Day of Cheap Living; A New Career or Business for You; Fix Things and Make Them Last; and Protect Your Investments and Make Them Grow. From cover to cover, this book is stocked with proven methods for saving money on shelter, food, clothing, transportation, entertainment, health care and more. The author left the "system" in 1969 and has worked for himself ever since. Let him show you how you, too, can live happily, comfortably and with complete financial freedom.
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
137 of 144 people found the following review helpful.Interesting, but maybe not Practical
By Kelly
I've enjoyed this book and found it an interesting read. The author does offer some good "thrifty living" advice throughout the book as well.However, some of this book is more radical than most people might be willing to follow. We are a family with several young children - we aren't really up for moving away from all family, Church, and friends to live in a remote rural location. Nor would we be willing to convert an old bus into a home for our family. We aren't willing to give up basic utilities either. And as far as squatting on someone else's land and hiding our camp... well, let's just say that's not very practical with toddlers. :)So, I think this book may be somewhat useful to families who are trying to live a thrifty existence and avoid the consumer trap. But at the same time, much of the advice may be too extreme for most people.Its worth reading though, and I found the author's wry, conversational style writing entertaining and easy to read.
77 of 80 people found the following review helpful.A book that's like a toolbox filled with money-saving resources and techniques!!
By Stephen Pletko
+++++"If you have lost your job or expect to, or had to take a much lower-paying job, or if you have ever wondered how you would survive if you were [without much money then] this book is for you. It is based upon the experiences of real people known to the author--and do very well at it. Teachers, preachers, retired members of the military, people on small inheritances, country people, old people who survived the Great Depression, farmers, writers, artists--all have contributed their know-how on economical living...the author comes from a whole family of [money-concious] New Englanders whose is detailed in this book. He remembers the 1930's Depression as a small boy. In later years his father never let him forget it...he has learned to [watch his money] with the best of them--and enjoy doing it. He has used [many of] the methods described in this book and been successful enough so that he is no longer [without money]...This book will help you if you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted, or swindled."The above is from the introduction to this book by Ed Romney. It pretty well sums up this book succintly. I should also mention one more thing that the author says:"[This book] is not puffed up and padded like many [other] books. I have digested and condensed it to save paper and save your time reading it."As a person who has thoroughly read this book, I can validate what Romney says in the above quotations. What he does not mention is that this book is, above all, practical.Readers of this book might get the impression that they have to do everything that Romney suggests. NO. This book is for a wide spectrum of people even for people in extreme circumstances. The idea is to pick and choose. Even Romney admits that he hasn't done everything he suggests but mentions them only because he knows other people who have done them.There is no index included with this book. Why? Because it doesn't need one. The chapter titles cut straight to the point of each chapter. My favorite chapters have the following titles:(1) Save money on food(2) Save on clothing(3) Save on shelter(4) Save on transportation(5) Save on education, entertainment, and vacations(6) Save on health and medical care(7) Save up to $37,500 a year and live on $12,000 a year.Each chapter is divided into sub-sections with a sub-title. This makes the book very easy to read. Here are some of the sub-titles for the first chapter:(1) How to stay out of debt(2) Credit cards are addictive(3) Make things last(4) There is no real status in spending(5) Fighting consumer mentality(6) The anti-spendthrift checklist(7) Why do people work so hard for nothing?(8) Don't be one of the apparently wealthy.There are other good books on this same subject that I recommend:(1) Your Money or Your Life (by Dominguez and Robin)(2) How to Survive Without a Salary (by C. Long)(3) The Joy of Not Working (by E. Zelinski)I also recommend any movie version of "Death of a Salesman."Finally, I found that some sections of this book had the author's opinions on various matters (such as on politics and education) that may offend some readers. (Personally I was not offended.) I felt the author could have made his point without these opinions.In conclusion, this is a book for people who need to live on a lot less money. If this describes you, then you must read this book!!(first published 1992; revised edition published 2001; introduction; 17 chapters; conclusion; main narrative 190 pages)+++++
77 of 81 people found the following review helpful.redneck vs millionaire econonics
By A Customer
I love this book. The author just died this year 2003, the day after Easter. I wish I could have met him.
Every page is filled with neat ideas. I especially love his "redneck vs millionaire economics."
He describes how his son started a business recycling used pallets and built it into a million dollar business.
One chapter is "How to save $37,500 and live on $12,000 a year."
This book does not have the typical frugal ideas of turning down the thermostat and collecting coupons. There are plenty of other books to describe those ideas.
See all 30 customer reviews...Specification Of Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled - or you just want to ... Customer Reviews: Living Well on Practically ...
Now in a newly revised and updated edition, Living Well On Practically Nothing by Edward Romney is a straightforward and highly utilitarian guide for anyone who needs to learn to live on a lot less money. Chapters cover ...
Living Well On Practically Nothing;by Edward H Romney ...
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled or you just want to ...
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition
This author is a little more than unusual, but if you can get past that; this relatively odd collection of advice has little bits and pieces that most people will find useful. ( )
Living Well On Practically Nothing|Fox Spy Outlet
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled or you just want to ...
Living Well On Practically Nothing, Revised and Updated Edition
This book is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, widowed, bankrupted, or swindled or you just want to quit your job and remain financially selfreliant this book is for ...
Living Well on Practically Nothing (Open Library)
Living Well on Practically Nothing by Edward H. Romney, Ed Romney, November 2001,Paladin Press edition, Paperback in English - Revised edition ... Living Well on Practically Nothing Revised and Updated Edition
Living Well on Practically Nothing | Leftover recipes
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired,
Living Well On Practically Nothing Revised & Updated ...
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled... ... Audio Spying ...
Ed Romney: new books, used books, rare books by Romney ...
Find and price compare new and used books from 60+ stores, including books by Ed Romney. ... Book summary: Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot ...

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