Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers all 60-235 HP, 3-Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-Stroke Models, Includes Jet Drives (Seloc)

Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #109769 in Books
- Published on: 2008
- Original language:
English - Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.98" h x
.98" w x
8.50" l,
1.85 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 392 pages
- Step-by-step illustrated keyed procedures serve as a detailed guide through the complete job, including necessary adjustments.
- Over 880 detailed photographs and illustrations.
- Dozens of exploded line drawings.
- Detailed wiring diagrams.
- Complete specifications.
Product Description
SELOC Marine maintenance and repair manuals offer the most comprehensive, authoritative information available for outboard, inboard, stern-drive and diesel engines, as well as personal watercraft. SELOC has been the leading source of how-to information for the marine industry since 1974. Designed and written to serve the needs of the professional mechanic, do-it-yourself boat enthusiast, instructor and student, these manuals are based on actual teardowns done by Chilton Marine's editors/authors in our on-site facility. Providing complete coverage on everything from basic maintenance to engine overhaul, every manual features: -Simple-to-follow, step-by-step, illustrated procedures -Hundreds of exploded drawings, photographs and tables -Troubleshooting sections, accurate specifications and wiring diagrams -Recognized and used by technical trade schools as well as the U.S. military Covers all 60-235 Hp, c-cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-stroke models. Over 1,010 illustrations
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
56 of 61 people found the following review incomplete hodge podge of information that is incomplete
By A Customer
This book gives the bare minimum of information. The information recieved will direct you to another page/section where that information is incomplete. After all how can someone tuneup an engine without nomenclature/adjustment settings? I was expecting a lot more. Example;See illistration #4........There is no illistration #4!
8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.My engine is not covered
By M. Etzler
I bought this book expecting my 1990 Johnson 88HP engine to be covered. This book does not even list any 88 HP Johnson engines. I am very dissappointed with it.
8 of 10 people found the following review helpful.One step from useless
By Kenneth J. Ouellette
Very little,incomplete, general information. Nothing specific about any of the engines listed. If you need a manual for a service or repair procedure that you have never done, look elsewhere! Also, the type set looks like someone typed it on a "1928 Underwood" typewriter.
Specification Of Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers all 60-235 HP, 3-Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-Stroke Models, Includes Jet Drives (Seloc)
Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers all 60-235 HP, 3-Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-Stroke Models, Includes Jet Drives (Seloc) [Clarence Coles, Joan Coles] on *FREE* super saver ...
Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers ...
Buy Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers all 60-235 HP, 3-Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-Stroke Models, Includes Jet Drives (Seloc) Book Reviews - SELOC Marine maintenance and repair manuals offer ... Customer Reviews: Johnson/Evinrude ...
This review is from: Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers all 60-235 HP, 3-Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-Stroke Models, Includes Jet Drives (Seloc) (Paperback)
Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers ...
> paid book/ebook Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers all 60-235 HP, 3-Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-Stroke Models, Includes Jet Drives (Seloc)oc)
JohnsonEvinrude Outboards 1973 91 Repair Manual Covers all ...
JohnsonEvinrude Outboards 1973 91 Repair Manual Covers all 60 235 HP 3 Cylinder V4 and V6 2 Stroke Models Includes Jet Drives Seloc by Seloc 5 Star Book Review ... Direct links: ...
1973 - 1991 Johnson / Evinrude Outboards 3, 4 & 6 Cylinder ...
Covers all 60 - 235 HP, 3 Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2 Stroke Models. Includes Jet Drives Book Description: Johnson/Evinrude Outboard maintenance and repair manuals by SELOC offer the most comprehensive, authoritative ...
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Johnson/Evinrude Outboards 60 - 235 hp 1973 - 1991 Repair ...
Author: rmarket US published workshop manual. Covers all 60-235 Hp, 3-cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-stroke models. Includes Jet Driv
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Boat Motors Johnson/Evinrude Outboards, 1973-91 Repair Manual, Covers all 60-235 HP, 3-Cylinder, V4 and V6, 2-Stroke Models, Includes Jet Drives (Seloc) Your Johnson outboards model number can usually be ...
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